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Crimson Raptor

Using  Smite upon the  Crimson Raptor will grant  Razor Sharp for 90 seconds, which will grant you true sight for a short duration the next time you are spotted by an enemy ward. This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

The Crimson Raptor gives off purple bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Crimson Raptor respawns. This is only visible to champions with  Smite.

The duration of this bonus is unaffected by Runic Affinity.

The detection appears to work on  Noxious Trap.

Smite Bonus

Table of Experience granted

There is an XP modifier depending on the champion level compared to monster level.

-10% XP for each level above monster level (minimum -50% XP <=> 50% base XP)

+50% XP for each level under monster level (maximum +250% XP <=> 350% base XP)

Initial Rewards              Health        Damage      Resistances    Initial Spawn   Respawn Time

+41 Gold+140 EXP



Ar:15; MR:0



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